Creativity   Intuition   Self-Revelation

SoulCollage® is a two-part interactive art process in which you make individual collage cards and then reflect on the wisdom inherent in the images you’ve created.

In SoulCollage® your cards may reveal inner parts of yourself or they may symbolize more archetypal, mythic energies. We are, after all, composed of many parts, and we are one singular and unique being with our own potentials, strengths and destinies.

Direct access to our inner resources opens readily through giving voice to your created images. It’s as though there’s an oracle within each of us whose language is that of visual imagery and metaphor.

soul collage

Enter the Mystery;
Descend the spiral stair;
Inhale the quiet dark;
The Oracle is here.


In SoulCollage® the 5”x 8” cards you create become part of your own deck. As founder Seena Frost says, “Your deck will become a visual journal, one with beauty and meaning, and also with flexibility, so it evolves with you…You will love your deck — a multi-card Mirror of your Self and your Soul — whether it consists of three cards or a hundred.”  

By allowing your intuition to lead, the imagery you choose will have greater personal meaning and impact than images that don’t call to you.  This lets us delve deeper into the realm beyond words. Your intuition knows what images to use.

Anyone can make SoulCollage® cards. Some of you may object, “But, I am not creative!”

soul collage artwork

I believe everyone has the innate gift of creativity. You don’t need an art background to make extraordinary cards. Just bring willingness and the creative impulse will find expression, despite any reservations.

Individual readings done with the cards you’ve made will help you to source your own inner wisdom.  You’ll find the created images “speaking back” in answer to your questions in ways that may surprise you.

You will love your deck — a multi-card Mirror of your Self and your Soul — whether it consists of three cards or a hundred.”  Seena B. Frost

Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out…

Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator In your heart.

All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of You.

Greet Yourself in your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel back home.

All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of You.

— Sufi Mystic Hafiz

What is SoulCollage®?

SoulCollage® is a two part intuitive art process in which you make individual collage cards and then reflect on the wisdom inherent in the images you’ve created. Founded by Seena Frost, this engaging process allows entry into the rich world of image and metaphor, a realm beyond words from which we can draw nourishment and pleasure.  

An ancient map discovered

The SoulCollage® Journey through the I’s    

Begin by letting Intuition guide you to the Images that stir you. 
Let loose your Imagination to assemble them in ways that “click.” 
Interact with your completed cards through a process of Inquiry
Revealing Inner wisdom, they will speak back to you in answer to your questions.
You may be surprised at the depth and emotional Impact of the message.
Integrate the experience through simple movement  practices.

soul collage

 Why SoulCollage®?

  • It’s fun and relaxing.
  • It’s a way to source inner wisdom through the power of your own personal imagery.
  • You can explore aspects of yourself that want expression. 
  • It helps you remember and affirm the truth of who you are.
  • In a group of kindred collagers, you will find support, witness and encouragement.
Creating soul collages


Begin by finding pictures that interest or excite you.  Then assemble your chosen images, collaging them together to make 5”x 8” cards, one card at a time. All supplies and an abundance of pictures are provided. The cards you make often reflect something of yourself that was just below awareness.  It may be an aspect of your personality, an essential quality, an archetype or a totem animal wanting to become known.  

The images come together in ways that may surprise, provoke or delight you. When it “clicks,” you know it.  Like opening a combination lock, your images will align just so, revealing something of your wholeness. Your intuition – an excellent guide – knows what images hold the most power.  

Card making gathering


Through a process of inquiry, we let the images “speak back” in answer to questions.  Questions may be general.  For example:  “What is the guidance for me now?”  Or they may be specific, as in: “What do I need to remember as I engage in this particular activity?”   The answers are like messages from your Self to your self. 

People say that readings help them access a place of inner wisdom and kindness. It is as if we each have an inner oracle, a direct channel through which to hear timely guidance.  SoulCollage® is typically done in the context of a supportive group. It can be a rich experience to share your cards with kindred others.

Table with cards

Everyone has the innate gift of creativity.
You don’t need to have an art background or training to make extraordinary cards.
Just bring willingness and the creative impulse will find expression.


Learn more about SoulCollage®

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