Ways to experience the revelatory process of SoulCollage®
- A day-long immersion for groups of any size
- Half day sessions of 3 – 4 hours
- An Individual session combining SoulCollage® and Family Constellations for assistance and support for challenges you’re facing now.
Traveling Arts: SoulCollage® will come to your home or to a venue you choose. Please inquire about hosting a SoulCollage® gathering for your friends or associates in your home or another venue.
- Share it with a gathering of your friends or colleagues for a customized session;
- or celebrate a birthday with friends in a fun and meaningful way.
Birthdays or other occasions of significance lend themselves well to this transformative art process. Zoom workshops are available during the pandemic.
Creativity – Less about talent; more about trusting your own flow
Intuition – Rational one, step aside for now. Let another kind of knowing lead
Self-revelation – Who knew that the Oracle is within?

The SoulCollage® Journey through the I’s
Begin by letting Intuition guide you to the Images that stir you.
Let loose your Imagination to assemble them in ways that “click.”
Interact with your completed cards through a process of Inquiry.
Revealing Inner wisdom, they will speak back to you in answer to your questions.
You may be surprised at the depth and emotional Impact of the message.
Integrate the experience through simple movement practices.

Divine disclosure from the Self to the self,
as of something remembered or realized anew;
A message or timely guidance from one’s own deeper knowing.