Day-Long SoulCollage® Workshops
You and the World
When you speak of the World, what images, feelings or impressions arise? How big is the World? How all-inclusive? What is your relationship to the World? Where on the continuum of “bright hope” to “utter despair” do your feelings about the World land? And how do you experience your inner World?
We’ll explore these questions using visual collaged imagery on 5 x 8” cards. The process of SoulCollage® can open access to the subconscious mind, especially when led by intuition. Just below conscious awareness, the subconscious proves to be rich with information and insight. Often your intuition will lead you to the images that hold most power. You may be surprised at the depth of self-revelation that occurs when you read the cards you’ve made.
Date: June 25, 2022
Hours: 10:00am – 5:00pm each session
Location: Women’s Center for Healing and Transformation, Abita Springs, Louisiana
Fee: US$ 65
Register: contact the Women’s Center by phone (985) 892-8111 or
Additional workshop dates at the Women’s Center will be October 15th and December 10th.

Women’s Retreat
I am excited to announce that Carolyn Burns, LMFT, and I will be co-leading a three day retreat at the women’s Center for Healing and Transformation in Abita Springs LA. If conditions permit, we will meet live and in person while observing essential safety protocols. Allow yourself to delve into a deeply self-nourishing experience of personal growth in a supportive group of women. We will engage a range of modalities including art, movement and embodied practices for reconnecting with your sources of energy and inspiration.

Dates: April 1-3, 2022
Hours: 10:00am – 5:00pm each session
Location: Women’s Center for Healing and Transformation, Abita Springs, Louisiana
Fee: TBA
To register, contact the Women’s Center at (985) 892-8111, or email

Family Constellations
Having just completed a 5-month intensive training in Family Constellations, I am offering sessions at no charge at present. This will give me the opportunity to practice and hone my skills, and to provide you with an opportunity to experience this powerful healing method.

Other ways to experience the revelatory process of SoulCollage®
- A day-long immersion for groups of any size
- Half day sessions of 3 – 4 hours
- An Individual session combining SoulCollage® and Family Constellations for assistance and support for challenges you’re facing now.
Traveling Arts
SoulCollage® will come to your home or to a venue you choose.
- Share it with a gathering of your friends or colleagues for a customized session;
- or celebrate a birthday with friends in a fun and meaningful way.
Creativity – Less about talent; more about trusting your own flow
Intuition – Rational one, step aside for now. Let another kind of knowing lead
Self-revelation – Who knew that the Oracle is within?

Divine disclosure from the Self to the self,
as of something remembered or realized anew;
A message or timely guidance from one’s own deeper knowing.

For further information or inquiries, please contact me.